Available Courses

Virtual Live Course

Receive a Court Recognized Certificate of Completion
$ 150

8 hours of co-parenting education, with classes taking place for 2 hours once a week over a 4-week period

An experienced Co-Parenting Instructor will guide you through ICC curriculum

Share as much or as little as you’d like about your co-parenting experience, based on your comfort level

Receive a Free PDF of the ICC Student Workbook, sample parenting plans, and holiday schedules

Co-parents participate in separate groups simultaneously

May 2024


May 7, 14, 21, & 28


May 9, 16, 23, & 30

June 2024


Dates to be Announced 


Dates to be Announced 

Self Guided Course

Coming Soon

Calm Down and CoParent

Sign-up for email alerts about upcoming classes.

Calm Down and CoParent is an online course intended to enhance your co-parenting relationship by providing you with easy-to-understand information and effective techniques to lessen stress and avoid conflicts with your co-parent. The course can be taken at your own pace so you can pause and resume whenever you like, making it adaptable to your schedule. It typically takes an hour to finish. *please be aware that this course does not meet the requirements for court-mandated co-parenting class hours.
Free Guide

Download Our Guide

5 Easy Steps You Can Take NOW
Reduce co-parenting stress Improve your co-parenting relationship Return the focus to your children

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Future Courses & More

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About ICC Courses



Each ICC session lasts for two hours and takes place once a week for four weeks. It is important to note that the dates of the sessions may not be consecutive. Once the payment for the course has been received, links to the course will be sent to you. Please be advised that co-parents are not permitted to register for the same session. If both co-parents enroll in the same session, the parent who registered first will have the option to remain in that session, and the other parent will be required to sign up for a different one. ICC is an 8-hour course that relies on the previous week's information to build a better understanding of the tools presented during the course. It is mandatory for participants to keep their cameras on during the class. To ensure that both co-parents receive all the information presented, it is essential to attend the full two hours for all four sessions.


Late Policy

If a participant arrives more than 10 minutes late for a session, it will be considered a missed session, and the late participant will be asked to leave and make up that session. Your ICC fee includes one makeup class. A fee will be charged for each makeup class if two or more classes are missed.



All ICC fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. ICC has a 72-Hour (3 calendar days) cancellation policy. If a participant cancels their ICC enrollment within 72 hours of the first day of the session, they will receive a full refund. If a participant cancels after 72 hours, does not show up for the session for which they are enrolled, or fails to attend several classes without arranging makeup classes, that participant will not receive a refund. However, if the participant requests, their enrollment fee may be transferred to the future session of their choice, given that there is availability in the requested session and their co-parent is not already enrolled in that particular session. All requests for makeup classes and transfers of fees must be emailed to info@iccparenting.com.


Certificates of Completion

Certificates of Completion are an accurate statement to co-parents, the Court and other third parties that the certificate holder completed 8 hours of co-parenting instruction. These certificates are only provided to ICC participants who completed all 8 hours of the course, including attending all four two-hour sessions or a combination of the regular and required makeup sessions.


Questions or Concerns

Any questions or concerns about ICC must be emailed to us. Doing so will help ensure that ICC facilitators can focus on course material presented each week and that particular questions and concerns do not take away from classroom time.